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Home / News & Blog / Grow Fun-Shaped Vegetables

Grow Fun-Shaped Vegetables

Oddly shaped fruits and vegetables are beginning to liven up boring dinner plates – and you can get in on the action, too!

Renaissance wine makers used to put bottles over tiny developing pears so that the pear would grow into the bottle. Pear wine filled the rest of the bottle, and it was corked and aged for several months. The resulting drink was a bubbly and mild favourite of British and French ladies. 


Making your own uniquely shaped produce in the garden is fun and easy! Not only do these veggies provide visual artistry for your plate but some connoisseurs claim their food tastes better! Adding a personal touch to your homegrown tomatoes, cucumbers, or zucchini is an excellent way to ensure you and your family are eating vegetables!

Kid-approved, custom-shaped cucumbers began trending in Japan in 2010. Heart and star shapes have recently gained popularity in the Americas. With Japan's prominent history in bonsai, the Japanese have a unique attention-to-detail in the garden that is unmatched. 

Grow your own heart-shaped cucumbers in 3 easy steps: 

1. When your cucumbers are small, simply insert them into a heart or star shaped mold. You can make your own tubes from new or recycled supplies around your home, such as bottles and boxes. Or you can purchase molds at some local garden centres or online.

2. Slip the mold onto the cucumber when it is about 1 inch long —trellis the vines so that rapidly developing fruits grow straight.

3. Once the cucumber has filled the plastic tube, open it up.

4. Voila! Slice up your cucumber creations and add this unique homegrown veggie to sushi rolls, salads, sandwiches, stir-fries, soups, and more!